Friday, September 24, 2010

I've been riding my roommate's road bike around and holy cow. I never have ridden one before and now I completely understand bike racing. I want one.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I realized that I study best when I am slightly sleep deprived.  If I get a full nights sleep (anywhere from 7-14 hours) I cannot concentrate on my homework because my mind is fully awake and so I think about multiple things all the time, get distracted, and end up getting nothing useful for school done.  But, if I get barely enough sleep (3-5 hours), then I am completely focused on my homework and get so much done because my mind is too tired to multitask/think of anything else.

Of course, this only works for like 4 days. Then I have to catch up.

Friday, September 3, 2010


I went to John Mayer in SLC the other night.  The best part about it was that he sounds exactly the same in real life as he does in his albums.  He makes really creepy faces and weird eye-looks. But he told some funny jokes, and also some jokes that made no sense at all. No sense. He made fun of a girl with a poster that said "Hug me and it will activate my time machine to the past." When he asked when she wanted to go to, she said..... Brazil. Obviously you don't need a time machine for that.

He sang all the songs that I wanted him to sing. Good.